Port Agency
Dry Cargo Chartering
Customs Clearance
Logistics for Exhibitions
Transport Insurance
Project Transportation
Rail Transportation
Sea Transport
Air Transport
Land Transport
We provide international land transportation services for full and partial shipments between Bulgaria and Mediterranean, Europe, many Middle East countries, Russia and the CIS countries
9000, Varna, Bulgaria,
30 Tzar Simeon Str.
Tel: +359 52 691 105
Fax: +359 52 691 106

Transit Bond for hinterland delivery
MET BULGARIA starts to provide transit bond for intra Bulgarian haulages , transit cargoes to BG exit customs houses. MET SHIPPING: EFFICIENT. RELIABLE. SEAMLESS. SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT We ensure smooth communication despite complex logistics services through our...
MET Bulgaria started on-line customs services
With effect 1st March 2012 MET BULGARIA is pleased to announce service upgrade based on-line customs operations provided thru automated customs system for goods clearance & manifests via customs houses at Varna. By Aplha Agent customs module could be submitted...
Customs Transit Service
Effective from 1st April'10 MET BULGARIA started to offer transit customs formalities for goods moved to/ex hinterland destinations at Bulgaria and EU countries. MET provides complete electronic customs formalities, on-line input thru BG Customs system,...
Ferry connection bewteen Varna and Poti planned for 3Q2008
Following cargo growth observed during past 3 years between Bulgaria and Georgia, it's planned new ferry line to start operations between Bulgarian port Varna and Georgian port - Poti. The service will be operated by 2 specialized 'rail vagons' carring ferry ships...
New THC at Varna Port
For Varna Port are announced new Terminal Handling Charges EUR 125/170 per 20GP/40GP containers. Above rates are applicable for operations effected at both terminals - Varna West and Varna East
New Service to Limassol
MET has started new regular service between Varna and Limassol (Cyprus); on weekly base Varna (West Terminal) is connected to ports: Limassol /Cyprus and Piraeus/Greece (transshipment option for Middle East/Indian Sub Continent cargoes)
Service to Ukraine
Effective begining July, MET Bulgaria has started to offer regular Trailer service to Ukraine. Service is based on liner ferry connection connecting sea ports of Varna, Bulgaria and Ilychevsk. Ukraine. Customs Clerance at Kiev, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk...
Complete Forwarding Service for USA Trades
Dear Customers, following announced takover of CPSHIPS(all liner brands) by TUI AG last year and established smooth cargo handling for your cargoes shipped on Nonth America - Bulgaria trade, hereby we'd like to inform that MET...
CP Ships completes amalgamation resulting in TUI owning 100% of CP Ships
CP Ships Limited today announced that it has completed its previously-announced amalgamation with Ship Acquisition Inc. As a result of the amalgamation, TUI AG owns 100% of the common shares of CP Ships. About CP Ships CP Ships (integrated brands of Contship, Canmar,...